Gate on the Blackdown Hills
Yes I know it’s a gate, and it’s typical of many in the Blackdown Hills, rusty, bent, wired up and not easily opened – really not much good to man or beast you may think. Even Susie thinks it’s not worth looking at.
But actually, there’s not a lot wrong with it. True, it could do with a lick of paint and a proper gate post, but it’s probably over 50 years old and still fit for purpose. I expect the farmer put it there to do a job, securing it with wire to stop people letting his cattle and sheep escape. The fact is, the gate looks stuck where it is.
But remove the wire and it can be opened.
Maybe we’re in the same place, stuck and in need of a bit of maintenance. But if we remove the thing that is holding us back, we operate a whole lot better. We can then find better balance, move, sit and stand more easily and relate to other people more easily.
What’s stopping us? Our thinking, that’s what.
But it’s really difficult to make that change on our own. It’s not impossible, because F.M. Alexander did just that when he was in difficulties with his voice, over 100 years ago. He discovered how much better we can be, if we change the way we think. He devised a whole new way of being, and developed what has become known as the Alexander Technique, which is my passion.
With the benefit of Alexander’s discovery, you can learn to think differently, so that you operate with less unnecessary tension throughout yourself. If you do that, you will have less discomfort and pain; you will operate better; and you will have infinitely more choice as to how you do everything you want to do.
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I am running group workshops in the Mid Devon area.
If you want to know more about how I can help you, complete the contact form opposite so that I can get in touch with you :-))